Thursday, August 30, 2007


Total weight loss = 18.2 lbs.

i need to get to 181 by next friday. I'm sure i can do it. That's just what my goal was for phase II. Phase 3 will be another 10 lbs. I haven't exactly following my diet to a T the last week but i've still lost weight because i've been working out and eating pretty solidly. Well i've followed my date pretty much except for going out and drinking last saturday and then eating a 1 bad meal on Sunday night. But i'm feeling good. I'm shedding weight at a great rate. (what's the literary term for rhyming a bunch of words in the same sentence) And my Fitness is coming along nicely...

I went on a 4 mile run today. I'm not going to lie and say it wasn't hard. That sum' bitch was hard. I only walked a couple times and that was only when i had to stop for traffic anyway. But I got through it. My confidence will keep building. I have to run another 4 miler next Wednesday.
Time- 37.30

Kind of slow but i'm happy with it. Goal for next 4 miler under 37.

Job interview tomorrow. Let's hope it goes well.

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