Wednesday, September 26, 2007

"Aw that's, the way we get by.."

5 miles- 45.04

Felt pretty good this time. Well...i didn't feel bad I guess i should put it. This is only my second 5 miler but i have to say that it is coming together nicely. I think the best part right now is my meddle. I get out there when i'm supposed to and get it done. I think if i had to run 10 miles next i'd get out there and give it a go. And it feels good to know i could do that. It might be a huge and complete struggle...but i think i'd be up for trying.

Job search is frusrating. Not sure what to do. There is an urge to do something...make something happen...get out of this town and this comfortable pad and experience life from a different view.

Music- SPOON
-The way we get by
-I summon you

" And how’d we get here
It’s too late to break it off
I need a release
The signal’s a cough"

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