Friday, September 14, 2007

"Ain't no time to pack my bags, my foots outside the door"

My transformation continues. Ran 4 miles again today. It felt decent considering the fucking hills. My route is posted over there ---->. It started out flat for a warmup...then a hill at 5th and payson followed by a friggin 2 block steep hill at 5th and jefferson. Then i wandered into indian mounds park; the whole park being rolling hills. Then I went over into south park for another long, fairly steep hill. The for the finish there was about a 6 block incline from 12th and Harrison to 12th and Jefferson. I got it done though.

4 miles- 37.12

Week- 11 miles in 3 runs(mon, wed, fri)

Next up- Cards/ Cubs tomorrow! BEARS sunday! Easy 3 on sunday. Should get in 12-14 next week.

Music- Kings of Leon- My Party, Led Zeppelin-Ocean

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