Friday, September 21, 2007

Not giving up

5 miles- 44.24
2 water stops at Johnson park and Madison Park. A couple stops for traffic. I'm not going to lie. I was pretty fatigued. And walked a little longer than i should have on a couple of the stops. But i pushed through it some how. Just put my head down and plowed on telling my self not to give up.
Overall I 'm feeling good though. I Have to squeeze in a 4 miler tomorrow because i'm behind. So if i do that it will give 16 miles for the week. That's gotta be a high for me in the last two years.
Check you back after the 4 miler tomorrow. Easy 4.

Incubus- The Warmth
Wilco- Side With the Seeds

"Embracing the our only chance to be free. Oh, I'll side with you...if you side with me."

1 comment:

Jason said...

kick it brotha! nice job. keep on keepin on.